Saturday, November 05, 2005

Wow, who are you? I saw you on Lincoln Ave

I am still recovering from riding my Speed 8 home from work this morning after finishing a 12-hour overnight shift. Added to my general physical state of being disrubted from working a rotating shift, today I (actually my lovely wife, I was just a prop.) hosted an ice skating party for 16 young (very) girls. It was a great event despite having no sleep, but it isn't the point of this blog entry.

The point of the entry is to find out who you are.

Who was cranking up Lincoln Ave on a Dahon at about 7:30 Pm today?

Leah, Ruthie (my two daughters) and I saw you riding a Dahon bike "up" Lincoln Avenue towards Webster Avenue in New Rochelle at around 7:30 PM tonight. Who are you? You past withing 100 yards of my home.

We could be Dahon buddies.......


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